How to use COFFEE for hair and body

Caffeine in coffee is great for hair. When a topical application is done on the hair or scalp, it finds its way to the roots and stimulates them. Hair growth: Coffee stimulates the hair roots by improving its structure and growth. Caffeine can thus restore hair growth and/or prevent hair lossThis will make your hair shiner thicker and stronger

1 coffee for hair growth

I love coffee as much as the next person, but I try to avoid drinking it due to a self-diagnosed caffeine sensitivity. However, that didn't stop me from taking some into the shower: I washed my hair with coffee, because I'd heard it would make my locks lovely.Before I started my experiment, I wanted to know more about the benefits of washing my hair with coffee, so I spoke to some experts on the matter.Nate Rosenkranz at Honey Artists tells me over email, "Rinsing your hair with coffee can be beneficial to your hair because coffee, in general, has a lower pH than water which will help to lay the cuticle flat. A flatter cuticle equals more shine reflection in your hair."Chelle Neff, owner of Urban Betty Hair Salon in Austin, agrees that there are some serious perks to putting coffee on your hair. "Washing hair with coffee can be extremely beneficial," Neff says. "First of all, the rough grounds will aid in exfoliating your scalp and stimulate your hair follicle, which in turn helps hair growth. Also, caffeine has been proven to stimulate the hair follicle when applied directly to the scalp. This method is a great way to help baldness and hair loss without all the pharmaceutical/chemical methods."What you'll need1Brew desired  amount of coffee a d let it cool2 after shampoo and co-washing squeez all the excess water3.pour the coffee over all your hair4 let the coffee sit in your hair for 5 min and rinse5 wrap your hair in towel to absorb all the excess water6 deep condition as normal


Coffee Body Scrub is:*Nourshing*Great for dry skin*ExfoliatingExfoliating your skin with body scrub has many benefits. Not only does exfoliating make your skin look more lively and rejuvenated, it removes those dead skin cells that clog your pores.Removing dead skin cells helps your foundation go on smoother (if you wear makeup), and allows spray tan to settle into your skin evenly (if you spray tan). Getting rid of dead skin can also fight the signs of aging.Though there is no shortage of body scrub products on the shelves at the drug store, you can easily make your own body scrub.Coffee grounds are slightly abrasive but still gentle as a skin exfoliator – which is why it’s one of my favorite body scrub ingredients. Brown sugar is a little more abrasive than coffee grounds, but definitely not pain-inducing like some sea salt scrubs can be (why?!). The sticky sugar helps the body scrub to stick together, along with the moisturizingHOW TO USE :I recommend using body scrub in the shower first thing, before you wash with soap, because there will be a slight residue left on your body that you will need to wash/rinse off.
Take about a tablespoon at a time in your palms and rub in circular motions onto your skin. I use about 3-4 tablespoons each time I exfoliate to scrub my entire body.
Rinse off and wash body as usual.
Be very cautious as the oil in the body scrub may make your tub or shower floor slippery.


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